A single for Focus Ireland

We all want to do our bit for homelessness so I’ve written and recorded a Christmas single. It’s available from iTunes and the other download sites and the proceeds will all go to Focus Ireland. It certainly got off to a good start – top of the iTunes singer-songwriter charts on November 18th!


There are plenty of sentimental or schmaltzy songs at Christmas but I’ve taken a different approach. Place yourself late on Christmas Eve in a dark and gloomy pub somewhere off Grafton St where nothing has changed in fifty years, the bad-tempered (and one-eyed) barman bans all music (especially carol-singers) and Christmas is just one more irritation for the dyed-in-the-wool drinkers. Oh, and you meant to buy a present, but now the shops are closed – and that racket out on the streets is probably that bloody Bono fellow busking with his mates…..no, there’s not much Christmas cheer in “Christmas Eve in Dublin”.

You can hear the track (and see the great video made by Catherine O’Mahony) here . Thanks also to Dick Farrelly who plays guitar and bass, and Mick Heffernan who did his usual stellar job at the desk. And a very special thanks to the Circle Sessions and the International Bar, for allowing me shoot part of the video there (disclaimer – there are no grumpy bar staff in the International, and all have two eyes) and also to Irish Rail for the lovely piano in Pearse Station (which also features in the video) and to Murphy Piano Tuning and Repair, who put it there.

Now it’s your turn to do your bit for the homeless – take yourself off to iTunes or any download site and part with the princely sum of 99c. You’ll get a decent song and a good feeling inside!